Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Corporate Forums!

Hello Members of Odyssey Space Exploration!

The latest blog I bring you is a lesson on how to access the CCP provided corporation forums, they are very basic forums that provide a place for our corporation to be constructive and increase communications between our membership.

Lets start!

Open the ingame browser by opening the "EVE menu" selecting "Accessories" browser or "Alt + B" will open the browser.

You should see the following screen, Select the yellow "Log On" button in the top right hand corner of screen.

As you can see, this page is covered in CCP information as this site is developed and supported by CCP for the players.

Yes, you would use your eve account login information. As you can see your password is not displayed!

The next step would be to select your charcter!

Woot! 4 months in the corporation!

Next click "Forums" in the right hand corner. You will see our corporation forums at the top of the page as shown in the above picture.


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